BurnMintTokenPool API Reference


BurnMintTokenPoolAbstract is an abstract contract that extends the TokenPool contract. It defines the common logic for burning tokens in the pool. This contract contains validation mechanisms and logic for burning tokens in the context of a cross-chain token transfer. The main goal of this abstract contract is to allow different pools to inherit from it and customize the specific burn logic.

BurnMintTokenPool and BurnFromMintTokenPool

The BurnMintTokenPool and BurnFromMintTokenPool contracts are concrete implementations that inherit from BurnMintTokenPoolAbstract. Both are designed to mint and burn a 3rd-party token, but they differ in how the token burning is implemented:

  • BurnMintTokenPool uses the burn(amount) function for burning tokens.
  • BurnFromMintTokenPool uses the burnFrom(address, amount) function, where the contract burns tokens from its own balance.


function _burn(uint256 amount) internal virtual

Contains the specific burn call for a pool.

Overriding this method allows us to create pools with different burn signatures without duplicating the underlying logic.


function lockOrBurn(struct Pool.LockOrBurnInV1 lockOrBurnIn) external virtual returns (struct Pool.LockOrBurnOutV1)

Burn the token in the pool.

The _validateLockOrBurn check is an essential security check.


function releaseOrMint(struct Pool.ReleaseOrMintInV1 releaseOrMintIn) external virtual returns (struct Pool.ReleaseOrMintOutV1)

Mint tokens from the pool to the recipient.

The _validateReleaseOrMint check is an essential security check.


BurnMintTokenPool is a concrete implementation that inherits from BurnMintTokenPoolAbstract. It is designed to mint and burn a 3rd-party token, using the burn(amount) function for burning tokens. Pool whitelisting mode is set during the contract's deployment and cannot be modified later. The pool either accepts any address as the originalSender or restricts to a whitelisted set of senders.

This contract variant is particularly suited for use cases where the token’s minter and burner roles need to be adjustable.


string typeAndVersion


constructor(contract IBurnMintERC20 token, address[] allowlist, address rmnProxy, address router) public


function _burn(uint256 amount) internal virtual

Contains the specific burn call for a pool.

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